Day 3

Day 3. What a day that today has been. 
Where do I even begin?

Firstly, I wanted a dark background. I wanted to show something in a different light. 

My meditation today was very specifically attempting to clear the karma of something going on, something out of the blue, something I wasn't expecting... without giving too many details publicly, it was a bit weird, a bit off; just one of those types of days. 

The small figure towards the left of this image, I'm not 100% happy with but that was all the energy I had for today to doodle it like that... 

I would like to refine it in other pieces, but this is Day 3 right here. 

In high school, I did a similar composition, I have since lost the original piece. I don't know when or if I will ever re-create it. But it was meant to represent a soul, trying to find... something.





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