
Showing posts from August, 2022

Day 29: Corn!

  Yes, I've been scrolling Tik Tok and now I can't get the song out of my head. Maybe I'll start another collection one day called "Tik Tok Trends" and it's just art inspired by Tik Tok viral sounds, hahaha...

Day 21 - 28

    New rule... if I don't have the energy to blog about it, at least email myself a blog reflection, or don't count it as a day of art making.  There's definitely been a lot of uncertainty in my life and for the past week, I haven't had the energy to blog or upload straight after the art creation. I didn't even meditate and create art some of these days so I've already broken my consecutive streak.  But still, I will persevere. The intention was for 108 pieces and I will finish it at that number. Karma is certainly clearing, as I am venturing into the next chapter of my life. Still some unknowns at this stage, nothing significant to announce yet.

Day 20

  Finally, after the batch upload that has just occurred for my art from Day 16 to Day 19, there we are. Back to the proper count. Yes, today is Day 20. And this was my art.  I'm still processing a lot of things, and there is one person that I wish I could say to their face, "Are you not embarrassed!?" You have really embarrassed yourself with your behaviour. And during my meditation today, it was all about clearing the Karma .  I don't want anything to do with them. I don't wish ill upon them. I just want the Karma cleared. The whole point of this collection. I wouldn't say they were a 'good' or 'bad' person. I don't even know why our paths had to cross in the ways that it did. I don't know why the series of instances occurred. I just want the Karma cleared.  In the past, I might have even associated this level of 'bad luck' energy with being hexed. But I'm not sensing that in this situation. I've been clearing that Kar...

Day 19

  Turning point.

Day 18

  Too tired. Five strokes. That was it. That was really, one of my lowest energy days ever. 

Day 17

  I don't fully remember what happened during my day on Day 17. Unfortunately this is what happens when you don't immediately write down and journal your progress. I know that I was too tired. I have definitely been too tired, from Day 16 to Day 19. It was a hell of a ride... the Universe was really testing me.  And perhaps I was processing those Shadows with this Yin and Yang sign. I would love to do another collection, just black and white, exploring those two polarities... oh yes, another one for the to-create list! 

Day 16

  I was tweeting that I didn't have the energy, and I'm just playing catch-up today with a series of posts for Day 16 to 20. This one was really beautiful. I'm very happy with the colours and the bubbles. I seem to have a pattern when I get into 'bubble mode' and I do look forward to refining it in another collection one day.  It's certainly a lot of fun to see my daily expressions and how it can go from messy to pretty, to words and back to something like this. The intention behind this one was definitely to stay in a calm and compassionate vibration. I wanted GOOD KARMA, so it wasn't actually neutral. I was praying for assistance from a higher realm.

Day 15

  I'm very tired today and it shows. 

Day 14

  The deeper I am getting in my meditation, the less I have to say about the art that I create...

Day 13

  Just playing with some patterns and colours today.

Day 12

  Today's art vision was like a futuristic underwater society. Whether you can see it or not, that's what I was imaging as I drew it. I like the different bubbles and pattern brushes on ProCreate. I've only also just discovered that there are so many ways to customize the brushes --- something to dive into deeper with another collection. Do you think the purple circles are sea slugs or mermaids?

Day 11

  I'm so tired today. 11:11.

Day 10

  I definitely want to do another collection that's got these bubbles as the main theme. I love these bubbles. It's like the purple dots collection I sort of started... I want a bubbles collection. I'll make it happen... maybe after this 108 days of Clear the Karma.  Today was okay in meditation. I don't really remember too much of it now. I remember that I came out of the meditation feeling compassion, and that's what started the background colour. I felt compassion and I wanted to convey it. It was a lovely meditation. 

Day 9

  In today's meditation, I had to remind myself that I don't need to think about work outside of my work hours. It wasn't exactly an experience of 'monkey mind,' but rather --- stop thinking about work! It's time to meditate.  After I drew/wrote this out, I went back to meditate a little bit more. But I am satisfied with this piece of work for today. Perhaps even this theme could evolve into its own collection one day. 

Day 8

  The monkey mind today, for sure. This was plain black background with white HB pencil in ProCreate. I just wanted to get back to old school sketching. No layers, just drawing.  A bit of a mess. And that's exactly how my mind was during today's meditation. I have no excuses, there is nothing pretty to see here.  My day hasn't been a bad day, but there are some things which I don't have immediate answers to.  I could be going in circles, I could be going in squares. Trying to tick off certain boxes. Nothing of significant importance. My mind like a barbed wire fence. 

Day 7

  Today I tried to create the sign for Virgo. It took more than a few attempts and I'm still not entirely happy with it, but it is what it is for today.  Am I going to continue each day and finish all 12 signs? I'm not sure. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I might not, it's quite possible I won't.  I'm not even sure if --- if I was to do a proper collection, that the purple I've chosen is the right purple for Virgo.  For sure, if I was to do a separate astrological NFT collection I would put in more thought and effort and it wouldn't be a part of a daily upload, it would all be uploaded as a set when finalised.  But for today, it's been a great exercise. And also captures the moment, my intention with these daily uploads.  Today, my monkey mind was extremely jumpy. I only lasted about 20 minutes in meditation and probably about a third of it I had to keep reminding myself to simply shake off things from my day. --- "This isn't time to think abo...